Friday, December 14, 2007

Response to "Unannounced Visits" or Fourth Amendment Violation"

My colleagues article discussed the issue o the Supreme Court allowing California to uphold a court decision to let law enforcement officials go into people's homes without a search warrant. I agree with my classmate, i think it is ridiculous that the Supreme Court would let police man just go into poples homes without a warrant. I think this totally violates their privacy right in their home. This should be totally against the law, because we have the righ to privacy just like it says on the fourth amendment.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Education Growth

I Found this article on the Washington post website, it is about the D.C Mayor, Adrian M. Fenty announcement of plans to lose dozens of schools. Adrian thinks that closing all these schools is art of a bold plan to overhaul the city’s poor public education. The enrollment form the past year to this year, went from 55,000 students to 49,600, Adrian wants to shut down 24 schools and fill up the ones that are left to they’re maximum capacity. He plans to save the money from the other schools and use it all on improving the school programs and education of the schools that are left open. I think this is a really good idea, because if all these schools are open, that means they have to hire a lot of teachers and staff to run the whole school when they might have 10 or 15 students in one classroom. I think it is great that he is going to focus all the money they save and use towards better education programs.