Thursday, September 20, 2007

I found an article on the Austin American Statesman about a 150 million dollar state funding that could have possibly been invested on community colleges but it will not be happening.

Governor Rick Perry was in favor of giving this money towards community college education ,but Ken Ambrister, Perry's legislative liason told a house commitee that instead of using that money towards education, they could use it to pay down debt in tuition revenue bonds, which pay for buildings and other special projects on campus. Gov. David Dehurst and house of speaker Tom Craddick are the ones that schedule board meetings which decide where the money goes, but right now those meetings are empty for the rest of they year.

In response of Austin community college not getting this money, they had to increase student fees by 2 dollars per credit hour and cut 2.2 million dollars of its budget.

This article is worth reading because if affects the lives of students and teachers that attend and teach at acc. Why should we have to pay the price of higher fees, just because one man decides that its not fair we get a state funding, and decides he wants to use it towards something else.

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