Sunday, November 18, 2007

Response to "Spanish in America"

My class mate wrote an article about a problem with illegal immigration on the Unites States. I totally agree with her about this issue, I believe that we have a big problem with illegal immigration not paying taxes, I don’t have a problem with them being here, but I don’t think it is fair that we all have to pay taxes and they don’t. I understand, that most of them work the hard job out in the sun, but if they want to be here they should live by the same rules that we do. I don’t think that most of these of this people mean to not pay taxes, I believe that if all of them were offered to be here legally, they would start paying taxes. We all have to face the fact that no matter how much we try to stop them from coming, they are always going to find another way to come. We should just let them be here legally, because at the end of the day they work the jobs that most of us would not work.

Friday, November 2, 2007

The Social security administration is at its lowest levels since the 1970s and the number of disability claims just keep rising. On November 2, 2007, the House and Senate appropriations committees agreed to provide the Social security administration with 9.9 billion for operations in 2008. This amount was 275 million dollars more than the Bush administration requested and just enough to keep the social security from dying for a small period of time. Richard E. Warsinskey said that this money will only help, but will not fix the problem. Around 746,000 cases are lined up for hearing on disability claims, and the average wait is around 512 days. The number of workers receiving social security is projected to increase during the next decade to 13 million. This article interested me because it affects every single woking American. Most of us are going to rely on social security when we retire and if there is no money for us when we get to that point, we are not going to be able to survive, unless we work until we die. I believe that the government is obligated to come up with the money, because in the end, this whole time it was our money they took out of our paycheck during all those years or work.