Friday, December 14, 2007

Response to "Unannounced Visits" or Fourth Amendment Violation"

My colleagues article discussed the issue o the Supreme Court allowing California to uphold a court decision to let law enforcement officials go into people's homes without a search warrant. I agree with my classmate, i think it is ridiculous that the Supreme Court would let police man just go into poples homes without a warrant. I think this totally violates their privacy right in their home. This should be totally against the law, because we have the righ to privacy just like it says on the fourth amendment.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Education Growth

I Found this article on the Washington post website, it is about the D.C Mayor, Adrian M. Fenty announcement of plans to lose dozens of schools. Adrian thinks that closing all these schools is art of a bold plan to overhaul the city’s poor public education. The enrollment form the past year to this year, went from 55,000 students to 49,600, Adrian wants to shut down 24 schools and fill up the ones that are left to they’re maximum capacity. He plans to save the money from the other schools and use it all on improving the school programs and education of the schools that are left open. I think this is a really good idea, because if all these schools are open, that means they have to hire a lot of teachers and staff to run the whole school when they might have 10 or 15 students in one classroom. I think it is great that he is going to focus all the money they save and use towards better education programs.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Response to "Spanish in America"

My class mate wrote an article about a problem with illegal immigration on the Unites States. I totally agree with her about this issue, I believe that we have a big problem with illegal immigration not paying taxes, I don’t have a problem with them being here, but I don’t think it is fair that we all have to pay taxes and they don’t. I understand, that most of them work the hard job out in the sun, but if they want to be here they should live by the same rules that we do. I don’t think that most of these of this people mean to not pay taxes, I believe that if all of them were offered to be here legally, they would start paying taxes. We all have to face the fact that no matter how much we try to stop them from coming, they are always going to find another way to come. We should just let them be here legally, because at the end of the day they work the jobs that most of us would not work.

Friday, November 2, 2007

The Social security administration is at its lowest levels since the 1970s and the number of disability claims just keep rising. On November 2, 2007, the House and Senate appropriations committees agreed to provide the Social security administration with 9.9 billion for operations in 2008. This amount was 275 million dollars more than the Bush administration requested and just enough to keep the social security from dying for a small period of time. Richard E. Warsinskey said that this money will only help, but will not fix the problem. Around 746,000 cases are lined up for hearing on disability claims, and the average wait is around 512 days. The number of workers receiving social security is projected to increase during the next decade to 13 million. This article interested me because it affects every single woking American. Most of us are going to rely on social security when we retire and if there is no money for us when we get to that point, we are not going to be able to survive, unless we work until we die. I believe that the government is obligated to come up with the money, because in the end, this whole time it was our money they took out of our paycheck during all those years or work.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Tobacco Taxes and Child Healthcare

Tobacco kills a lot of people a year, maybe this is one of the reason that president bush is trying to raise the tax on it. I would agree with president bush, tobacco is a drug and if people need it that bad, they should pay the price for it. In a way I think the government does it to make more money, but they also raise the prices hoping that Americans will stop the habit of smoking, so In a way they are looking out for the ones who smoke. That statement is actually a proven fact, a study showed that raising prices will decrease the use of tobacco. The campaign for tobacco free kids estimates that the 61 cent increase in tax would result in a 9.1 percent decrease smoking in the youth community. On the other hand the government is trying to raise the taxes in order to provide better healthcare to American kinds. This argument sort of contradicts itself, because they are raising the taxes to raise money for healthcare and so that young Americans can quit smoking, but if a big sum of people stop smoking because of the price, the government would not raise enough for the child healthcare program.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Children's Future

The House and the Senate had approved a $35 billion expansion of the State children’s health insurance program last week, until president Bush decided he wanted to veto it this week. The senate hopes to change the president’s decision but they are uncertain that this will happen. The president decided to veto this insurance program, because he believes that the program would benefit wealthy families and the poor will be left behind. In my opinion I don’t believe president bush should do this, because he goes out and spends a bunch of money on unnecessary things such as war, and unnecessary trainings, this health insurance program would benefit a lot of people that make “too much “ for Medicaid, but not enough to buy health insurance. Within the next few months, the Senate hopes to pass this program in order to help millions of kids,that are in desperate need of help. In a way I agree with president bush, because I bet that a bunch of people that do not need this insurance program will benefit from it and will leave some of the people who needed it behind. On the other hand the people that really need it will get a big break for them and their families. This program would be extended for about 5 years and will be supported by the tobacco tax, which would raise every cigarette pack about 61 cents. After 5 years the senate plans to increase the spending amount about $5 billion every 5 years.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

I found an article on the Austin American Statesman about a 150 million dollar state funding that could have possibly been invested on community colleges but it will not be happening.

Governor Rick Perry was in favor of giving this money towards community college education ,but Ken Ambrister, Perry's legislative liason told a house commitee that instead of using that money towards education, they could use it to pay down debt in tuition revenue bonds, which pay for buildings and other special projects on campus. Gov. David Dehurst and house of speaker Tom Craddick are the ones that schedule board meetings which decide where the money goes, but right now those meetings are empty for the rest of they year.

In response of Austin community college not getting this money, they had to increase student fees by 2 dollars per credit hour and cut 2.2 million dollars of its budget.

This article is worth reading because if affects the lives of students and teachers that attend and teach at acc. Why should we have to pay the price of higher fees, just because one man decides that its not fair we get a state funding, and decides he wants to use it towards something else.